Sunday, March 3, 2024

Fake Spring

I feel like Spring is slowly coming to Eastern Canada but the locals tell me to put that foolish thought out of my head. The law of opposition has been at work in Montreal this week. One day we made it up to 55 F and the next day it was 18 F! You can't appreciate the 55 if you haven't had to endure the 18.

Here's a darling fish pond I used to stop by every day last summer on my walk home. Look at the difference from one day to the next!

We took these two cute sisters to dinner because the one in white finishes her mission very soon. They are in our district. 

After district council, the young sisters were telling us how frustrated they were. They've been working hard to find new people to teach but they've turned up nothing for two whole weeks. I reminded them that president told us at last zone conference that the success of your mission is not based on your numbers, but on your daily diligence. They are assigned to work in a Young Single Adult ward so they only teach people in that age range. But this week has been mid-terms at all of the universitites here in town so it makes sense that students are not being responsive to missionaries' invitations.

That conversation was a tender mercy for me later in the week when I was feeling very frustrated about not being able to reach my goals for the week because of unforeseen circumstances. Last week I hit a new personal weekly high so I thought if I hit that number last week, why couldn't I do it again? I had some bizarre exhaustion one morning and needed extra rest so I was nearly 3 hours late to the archives. A new archives couple arrived in Montreal this week. Elder and Sister W had arranged to meet them and help them settle into their apartment but Elder W hurt his knee. Sister C and I ended up helping out the new couple. We lost a whole day at the archives due to that. Then on Friday I was thinking, "Great! I'll get in a full day of clicking!" But the project I was working on wasn't prepped properly and it caused me all sorts of problems that took a lot time to fix.

I only reached 2/3 of my clicking goal this week. The advice I'd given to the young sisters was uselful for ME to remember. In the end I just had to remind myself that I did my best this week and that's all I can ask of myself.

I visited a different district this week. One of my Mandarin elders was called as a district leader this transfer and I wanted to see him in action. He's doing awesome! It has been really fun to see him rise to the responsibility that has been placed on his shoulders!

Being in that council gave me the opportunity to hear the departing testimony of one of our stunning sister teacher leaders. She'll be finishing her mission on March 9. Her testimony and thoughts were so powerful and I was grateful I got to be there to hear it.

Just in case you lose your way in Montreal. . .   ðŸ˜‚

Running total of captures: 247,014

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BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...