Saturday, August 17, 2024

Is Jesus a Part of Your Life?

It was not a great work week, which was frustrating for me. I lost all of Monday to a chat with my missionary son and wicked insomnia. I lost part of Thursday at the archives because I gave it to these darling soon-to-depart missionaries.

We went to lunch together. I was blown away by their effective finding as we commuted to the restaurant! There is no fear! They talked to soooo many people on our way there...even one lady who was on the phone! One of the women they contacted was taught by missionaries in 2021 and attended church 24 times back then! She was taught all of the commandments. These sisters are SURE that 2024 is her "comeback year." There's no "dying on the vine" for these two! They are determined to be out doing missionary work the day before they catch a plane to go home. And no doubt they'll be contacting at the airport while they wait for the plane. These two are on fire for Jesus! 

I lost Friday at the archives because a water main burst in downtown Montreal, close to the archives building. I didn't wake up until late because insomnia didn't allow me to fall asleep until 4 am. As I was getting ready to go into the archives around noon, one of the other missionaries called to tell me that water to the building had been cut off so they were sending everyone home.

There was a lot of flooding caused by this incident. I'm hoping they'll spend the weekend cleaning up and getting things under control so we can be back at the archives by Monday.

                                                            Photo credit: CTV News

I was talking to this amazing couple (husband is on the right) who helped with FSY in Cameroon. He was one of my online institute students from West Africa that I taught in 2022. He became a branch president while he was in my class. 

He told me that they felt like the youth weren't paying much attention to the workshops, but were VERY focused on the fun and games. But then at the closing testimony meeting, they were shocked to find out how much the young people had absorbed. Aren't youth amazing? They surprise and delight us!

I love that our entire mission is reading the Book of Mormon simultaneously! We're barreling along so we can be done before General Conference. We're marking every reference to Jesus that we find. Pages 184 and 185 are the 3rd and 4th pages where I have nothing marked that refers to Jesus. 

I started thinking about WHY this is. I think it's because Jesus is not a part of the people's lives being mentioned. I wondered if Christ would be mentioned if people were talking about MY life! Will Christ be mentioned at my funeral? When people talk about me right now, do they ever mention our Savior in connection with me? If not, I'm probably not living my life the way I want to.

Running total of captures: 375,753
Running total of docs prepped: 8900

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BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...