Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Move is Finally Over!

Look who came to help me christen my new apartment...our La Plateau District! I finally have a place that's big enough to invite people over! Woohoo! We get to have district p-day once a transfer (every 6 weeks.) The young missionaries wanted to get together to make pizza and play games. All of us had SO. MUCH. FUN!! Can I say just one more time how much I LOVE BEING AROUND YOUNG MISSIONARIES??

The elders were kind enough to help me move some furniture when they were here on their P-day.

This is probably my favorite picture from P-day at my apartment. That's a LOT of consecration in one closet!

Because of Monday P-day activities, I didn't go to the archives. Then on Thursday when I was getting ready to go to our district council, I couldn't find my socks anywhere because my apartment is in such a state of chaos. So I made an executive decision to stay home Thursday and Friday to get things put back together so that I can function. The move has dragged on forever because I wanted to do it outside of my time at the archives. But that meant that I was working all day at the archives and all night at home and it wore me out. 

If you look closely, you'll see a pile of socks on the recliner. Isn't that where you keep YOUR socks too?

I finally finished the move and cleaning my old apartment by 10:30 on Saturday night. Here's what my old apartment looks like now. I hardly recognize it! It will be used as an emergency apartment for young missionaries if they need to be evacuated from their apartments...which happens more often than you'd think!

My one sad thing about the move is the view that I lose of Mount Royal and the lighted cross at night. Check out my old view. . .

. . .vs. my new view. One of my sons suggested that I blow up one of my photos of Mt. Royal and hang it in the window of my new apartment so it looks like I can still look out my window at the mountain. Not a bad idea!

Oh well, life's full of trade-offs. A wise friend once told me that there are advantages and disadvantages to every situation. The smart people take advantage of whatever situation they're in. I think I'll take advantage of my HUGE, new apartment and invite some seasoned missionaries over for a game night soon!

Here's the project I'm working on at the archives. Boxes with a green dot are finished. There are still about 12 more boxes to complete this project that are not even pictured. There are 80 boxes in all. This is one of the biggest projects we've done. I think one of the missionaries who left in November had a project with 90 boxes!

Running total of captures: 199,719

1 comment:

  1. One advantage to being on the north side of the building is that you can hang up a bird feeder and they will come. Disadvantage is the bird poop!
    Love you Sister Jones 🥰


BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...