Sunday, January 28, 2024

Ice Storms Cannot Stop the Work of God

I cannot say enough about the young missionaries in this mission! They work SO hard! Just look at what they did last week! They found over 1400 people who are willing listen to their message. Once I asked the missionaries in our district how many people they think they talk to before they find one person who is willing to listen to the message they have to share about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Their guess was that they talk to about 20 people before they find one that is interested. If this is true, then our 180-ish missionaries talked to about 28,000 people last week! That's some serious diligence! AND they were out working in freezing rain. Ohhhh, these young people are stunning, I tell you!

God's hand is over this mission. He is sending people to Canada from all over the world to be gathered into the House of Israel. We are surely blessed to be called to participate in His work.

Another thing that I love about this mission is the trust that the Lord and our mission president place in our young men and women. This missionary has been in Canada for 3 months. He just finished his own training, and this week he was called to train a brand new missionary AND be the leader of a district consisting of 8 missionaries. And he's probably all of 18 years old. When I asked him how he was feeling about these new responsibilities, he said that if God had put trust in him to do it, then he'd try his best.

And here are some of the conditions we worked in this past week...freezing rain. This is a weather phenomenon that I am largely unfamiliar with. I only remember it happening once in Salt Lake City. It's treacherous travel! The fire alarm went off in our building on Thursday morning at 5 a.m. so we trekked down the stairs which dumps us out into the alley beside our building. The short walk to the front of the building was scary! It was very slick ice. By 8:30 when I left for the archives building, the roads and sidewalks had been plowed and salted so there were only a few dicey spots.

Here I am on a cold morning walking to the archives. But it's not a SUPER cold morning or I'd have my hat on to prevent what I've dubbed a WCHFHA (procounced Whichifah.) A WCFHA is a Wind Chill Factor induced HeadAche.

It was transfer week. I love seeing the young missionaries gather at the mission office to pick up their brand new missionaries or the ones who are passing through to their new areas. Transfers are nothing short of an act of God in this mission since we have such a huge geographical mission. I've heard that ours is the largest geographical mission in operation. The one that is larger than ours is in Russia. Our missionaries travel by metro, train, and plane to get to their new areas. And other missionaries who are staying put are assigned to pick up moving missionaries, house them for the night, and drive them to the train station or airport. It is a massive, intricate dance!

They're preparing for something in this park that I walk past every day. Looks like a valentine-y something or other.

Here's a little game that we play at the archives to distract ourselves from boredom. We call it the "Haystack Hunt". It's like hunting for a needle in a haystack except we're hunting for a tiny little something in a mountain of documents. Sister W found this picture on the internet and writes the item we're looking for on it because we tend to forget what we're looking for. After someone finds the item, we rejoice and pick a new item.

Recently we looked for a heart. Do you see the tiny heart punch in the brown stamp? Right now we're looking for blood, or anything that looks like it could be blood. Haha! Whatcha gonna do when you've been assigned a mundane (albeit incredibly  important!) task?

Funny side note about captures. . .Elder W has been trying to beat my daily number of clicks on the camera ever since he arrived in November. He's been picking up some serious speed in just a few months! But he hasn't been able to catch me yet. Yesterday when I spent the day helping out at the mission office, like I do on every transfer day, he got more clicks than I did. . .because I got ZERO! So he wrote on the back window of my car "I beat you, more clicks." 

I told him he's disqualified from the competition after pulling a stunt like that and wrote this on HIS back window. I'm not sure who has more fun in this mission, the young missionaries or the "seasoned" ones. 😂

Running total of captures: 208,020

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BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...