Sunday, February 4, 2024

Canoe Ride or Train Station? Or Both?

I got to talk to my darling missionary son, Elder Nana-Prempeh, on Monday. The internet network from Nigeria was really challenging. I'm convinced it was created to teach us patience. The phone log shows that we talked for an hour and 40 minutes, but in reality it was much shorter than that. There was a lot of time spent frozen and the call dropped 10 times.

He was a little nervous that they were going to travel by canoe to teach people who live on an island. The catch is that he can't swim. I'm grateful there are life jackets supplied by the mission that they keep in their apartment. 

Here's a short video of him on the water. It just feels so amazing to me that we get to serve missions at the same time!

Here's a beautiful building all lit up at night. It's right across the street from our archives building. We lovingly call it Hogwarts. For a long time we didn't know what it was but then found out it used to be a major train station with a hotel above it where travelers could stay. I've admired it many times in the day but it is truly in all its glory when it's lit up at night!

Here's a photo from back in the day. According to Wikipedia "Place Viger was both a grand hotel and railway station in Montreal, constructed in 1898 and named after Jacques Viger, the first mayor of the city."

Photo credit:

I have a theory of why parking strips were invented. We don't have any here in Montreal. When there are puddles of water or piles of slush on the street and a car comes whizzing by. . .insta-shower. And it's not  a clean one! Also, one day I was walking near the curb on a crowded sidewalk and the side mirror of a bus passed by my shoulder within about 6 inches!

I went to the temple this week. I haven't been since before Christmas because of a series of unfortunate events. It felt soooooo good to be back! I love the House of the Lord! There's a feeling inside there that cannot be found anywhere else on earth.

Here's an interesting find this week at the archives! It's a blueprint for a bridge and it was longer than the tables we work on. Thankfully, we don't have to take a picture of this monster. One of the missionaries prepares the projects for us. She sets these aside for the archivist employees to capture because they have a setup that is larger than ours to capture huge documents like these.

Our Mandarin branch went to Chinatown for an outing on Saturday night.

At this restaurant, you build your own bowl and then they cook it all up for you. Can you spot the frog legs? The elders talked me into trying them.

I was lucky enough to end up at a table with these two.

Running total of captures: 217,422

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BE with God

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