Sunday, December 31, 2023

Prempeh Champion is Going on a Mission!

I could not be prouder of my son. He has chosen to spend two whole years of his life in the service of God and his brothers and sisters in Nigeria. He will offer them the opportunity to come unto Christ and learn more about Him and His teachings. Prempeh Champion is well named. He is a champion of righteousness. He is good, kind, hard-working, faithful, considerate, loving, and a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. What a blessing he is in my life. 

I'll miss having the frequent contact that we've been able to have but I look forward to the discussions that we'll have when we are BOTH serving missions. What a unique opportunity to be serving a mission at the same time as your son! It wouldn't happen in a traditional family setup. Prempeh and I are blessed by this unique opportunity. I can't wait to hear about his mission experiences as they unfold and watch his spiritual growth as he serves. He only joined the Church 2 years ago and his life has changed in so many positive ways since that day. Prempeh also received his patriarchal blessing this week. What a tender thing that was.

Prempeh will enter the Missionary Training Center in Ghana on January 2, 2024. What a great way to start a new year! This photo is from when I visited him in Ghana back in March of this year. All he's missing is a name tag.

There's not a lot going on in Montreal this week. We only served at the archives a day and a half due to closures for the holidays. We had a 5 day weekend last week and we're having another 5 day weekend now.  The archives building was open on Wednesday but when we arrived on Thursday afternoon after zone conference, we found it closed. The security guards let us in anyway. They're our friends.

We had another fabulous zone conference. Every zone conference is centered around one part of our purpose as missionaries. This time we were taught about baptism. We were asked to think about the details of our own baptisms. That was a stretch for me because I was baptized 52 years ago!

I always love being around our young missionaries. I love them dearly.

Mount Royal got a dusting of snow this week. We only had one good snowstorm in December. Hope January has more to offer! I love snow!!

Running total of captures: 185,887

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BE with God

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