Monday, December 25, 2023


One of the senior missionaries was particularly naughty this week and parked in "my parking spot".  He did not receive anything from Santa this year. Let this be a lesson to you, little children.

Some fabulous new friends visited us at the archives this week. This couple has the same assignment as we do but they are serving in Ottawa a few hours away. They wanted to come and see our operation in Montreal. They are both wonderful and she is definitely a kindred spirit!

The next day we all went to temple together. I drove with the new couple to help them navigate. The three of us were so enthralled with our conversation that I wasn't concentrating and my "autopilot" took over and had us headed to the meetinghouse instead of the temple! Huh! Lots of help I was!

After the temple we found a charming little restaurant in Boucherville that overlooked the St. Lawerence River. The food was exquisite! I forgot to get my bag out of our new friends' car before they left so my temple clothes are in Ottawa right now. Haha.

I was told that meat pie is a tradition around this time of year. It's for Christmas or New Year's depending on who you talk to. I tried some. It's OK.

All of us seasoned missionaries (senior missionaries) who live in the same apartment building went to brunch on the 23rd at Bistro Tot ou Tard which is just a few blocks away from our apartment. As I lagged behind the group on the way back, I looked at them and had a sacred moment. The thought came to me that I am with the covenant keepers. These people have made covenants with God in His holy temple to serve Him and build up His kingdom on the earth. They are serious about these covenants because they choose to serve and be away from their families at this time of the year. I also had this thought was when I was on pioneer trek with adults who chose to take vacation time away from work, walk until they had blisters on their feet, and sleep on the ground so that young people could form a stronger connection with their roots and gain an appreciation for the sacrifices that have been made for them by those who paved the way for them.

The branch Christmas party...ahhh, the branch Christmas party. Here are "wise men" and women sorting out tangled cords to headphones. I love the young elders who serve in our Mandarin branch!

Santa showed up on Sunday (Sunday?!?) right after church. I put in my request.

All I want for Christmas is. . .a hymn book?

Then we were finally to the big day! Fourteen of us crowded into one apartment to celebrate the birth of our Savior! I was over-the-moon happy to be with young missionaries on Christmas Day. They had been reminded by mission leaders to not overstay their welcome if they were invited to eat dinner with members. We told them that that rule did not apply to this apartment. We told them we wanted them to stay as long as they wanted to.

We had a Christmas message focused on Chirst.

We played a game where you stand on chairs and try to drop candy canes onto a string. 

It's harder than you think! The candy canes pop off the string!

We laughed ourselves silly while playing charades. We were trying to guess Christmas songs. When Sister W pulled "Santa Baby", she went over and sat on her husband's lap, gave him a kiss and started stroking his face. One of the young elders looked at her husband and said, "Well that was a win for you!!" We laughed long and hard!

A family in one of the wards invited us for dinner in the evening. They are from Barbados and Jamaica and cook THE BEST FOOD! My new favorite food is macaroni pie. I really enjoyed being in their home and getting to know them.

I had the opportunity to speak in church on Christmas Eve. I started by asking how it would be if someone gave you a brand new car for Christmas. What if you were given a big house? How about your own private jet with a pilot? Then I asked, "What if our branch president gave you his son?" Of course, I tied that in with the greatest gift any of us has ever been given, the gift of our Savior given to us by our Heavenly Father. I talked about how important this gift of our Savior is in every aspect of the Plan of Salvation, the plan that Heavenly Father created for us in the pre-existence, our life here on earth, and what comes after this life for eternity. Christ is vital to this plan and I am so very grateful for all that His Atonement does for me. And THIS is why I love Christmas so much.

This was one of the best Christmases of my entire life! When I told my friend that, she asked why. I think it's because I was so focused on the young missionaries and not on myself. I was worried that the young ones, especially those who had only been in Montreal for a week and a half, would have a difficult Christmas because it was likely their first time being away from home for the holiday. I spent a lot of time and energy trying to make sure they had an enjoyable day. It's good to think of others and not ourselves. It brings happiness. It's what Christ did. He was always focused on others and not Himself. I want to do that better.

Running total of caputures: 183,409

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BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...