Sunday, October 1, 2023

General Conference! Oh My!

This darling young lady was baptized last Sunday and is now a member of our Mandarin speaking branch. Her boyfriend is the 2nd counselor in the branch. Elder E on the left, just arrived in the mission 2 days before the baptism. What a way to start your mission!

The fall colors are starting to come on in Montréal. The missionaries who were here last Fall tell me that the whole mountain turns beautful colors. I can't wait to see that!

These are our 2 security guards at the archives currently. The one of the left, P, is a native of Montréal and the one on the right, A, is from Haiti. When A smiles, I feel like there is sunshine shooting from his face! He and I have become good friends even though we share no common language. He speaks French and Creole and I speak English. I do practice the tiny bit of French I've learned when speaking to him. But I also have a handy little app that I can speak into and it will translate my words and speak them to A. Then he speaks into the app and the translation comes back to me. I love our friendship! He has a beautiful wife with him here in Montreal and a 10 year old daughter back in Haiti. He wrote a poem for me last week! I'm so touched that he would do that. He spent a long time translating it into English for me. That poem is a treasure for me that I intend to keep for the rest of my life.

I finished another project this week.

But after digitizing box 10, I discovered that box 11 was missing. I informed the archives staff and the next day when I arrived, this is what I found. So cute! It made me laugh.

But the best part of this week, by far, was General Conference! I don't remember such a spectacular experience with conference for a long time. I was pondering about why that might be and wondered if it's because I'm a missionary. I have consecrated this time of my life to God and so He is pouring out rich blessings on me.

One of the beautiful things that happened to me at conference was because of 2 young sister missionaries. I thought Elder Rasband's talk about the importance of seniors serving missions was great. But it wasn't until these 2 sisters texted me after he finished his talk that the full impact hit. They told me that they love me, are grateful for me, and that I have changed their lives and set a beautiful example. I began crying and also received a powerful answer to a prayer I had offered this week. I find it very interesting that I needed those 2 sisters as the catalyst for the revelation to flow. I'm very grateful that they followed a prompting. And I told them so. Young missionaries are SUCH a blessing in my life!

. . . and seasoned missionaries are SUCH a blessing in every mission president's, young missionary's, and members' lives! Come join us if you can!!

Running number of captures: 115,491

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BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...