Sunday, October 15, 2023

Fall is Upon Us

I was in the mountains yesterday. I went to see the Fall leaves. They are pretty muted but I found this lovely little waterfall scene which was absolutly gorgeous. And even if the leaves were a little disappointing, being out of the city is NEVER disappointing...especially if I'm in the mountains! I had to drive nearly 2 hours from Montreal to get to the Laurentian Mountains, more specifically, Mount Tremblant.

Mount Royal is beginning to show her colors as well as the nearby neighborhood.

And I'm becoming obsessed with red maple leaves. I'm pretty sure that they'll always hold a special spot in my heart after this mission.

My birthday was last week and the other archive missionaries surprised me by decorating our room at the national archives. They brought me flowers and a card as well. I was very surprised!

The birthday shenanigans even extended to my car. 

October 9 was Canadian Thanksgiving. Everyone pitched in to create a scrumptious meal. 

One of the Canadian sisters made this traditionally Canadian cake. It has maple syrup on the bottom. Ohhhh, so yummy! I barely remembered to take a photo before I gobbled down the last bite!

Sister L made me a birthday cake which we were all too full to eat. So I took it to the archives the next day to share with the other 3 missionaries, our 2 security guards, and the janitor.

I joked on Facebook how I can legally start decorating for Christmas now that Thanksgiving is over. I think everyone thought I was kidding. But look what happened. . .

At District Council, our district leader always puts every companionship's key indicators (basically the weekly goals) on the board. This week he put mine and Sister C's names in the table with smiley faces in the squares where everyone else had goals listed. I think he did this because last week I told him that I've been so inspired at the incredible work done by the missionaries of the Canada Montreal Mission that I've started setting my own goals. They are different than the young missionaries' goals, of course. But one of them is to find one person for our young missionaries to teach. 

When I saw my name, I jumped up and wrote in my goals and how far along I was in accomplishing them. I like being accountable to someone else besides myself with my goals. And having someone else know about them will creat that accountability.

Running number of captures: 124, 728

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BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...