Monday, July 10, 2023

A HUGE Acte, A Happy Cookie, and a Happy Story

A picture is worth a thousand words...unless it takes a thousand words to explain the picture.  This is one of those pictures. Here's one of the missionaries I work with at the national archives and she is an absolute hoot! Her role is to prep the documents that we will be photographing.

The legal profession in Canada is divided into lawyers, who handle legal disputes, and notaries, who prepare acts and contracts such as marriages, wills, division of property among heirs, and lists of household assets after someone dies. We've been capturing thousands of "actes" created by notaries mainly from the late 1800s. An acte can be anywhere from one to several pages. The large ones have around 50 pages. Sister F. ran across this 200+ page acte last week and we were all dumbfounded at the size of it. You can see that it is bound by a ribbon at the corner to hold it all together. As soon as she cuts the ribbon, we'll be able to handle the pages one by one which makes it a LOT easier for captures. The three of us working on the cameras really appreciate what Sister F. does to get things ready for us!

My setup in our "new home".  I love that I get to work next to a window considering that the last room I worked in for the first 2 months of my mission had no windows at all. I never knew what the weather was like until I walked out the door to go home.

Click on the link below to see how we celebrated the 4th of July in Montreal.

Guess where I was last Thursday...and every Thursday?

Try as I might, this was the lowest temperature I could achieve in my tiny home for a few days last week. And the humidity! Ohhhh, the humidity! I picked up a new vocabulary word, and no, it wasn't a French one. Humidex. I'm assuming it means the humidity index and is comparable to a wind chill factor. Think "feels like" temperature. July 6 was 90.5° with a humidex number around 104°! This desert girl does NOT do well with this extreme humidity! It was pretty miserable all week long, but we lived to tell about it. So no harm, no foul.

A Canadian bonus

Sometimes at church I ask the young elders to tell me about a time during the week that they have been led by the Spirit because I think of my mission as devoid of those kinds of experiences. But after thinking about it, I had a very spiritual experience this week. I was talking to one of my friends who was very discouraged about a current situation in his/her life. All of a sudden, ideas started popping around in my head. I knew exactly what to do! I needed to find specific scriptures and read them aloud to my friend. As I read the verses aloud, the feeling of our conversation became one of hope and faith in the future instead of despair and discouragement. The Spirit was strong and I knew that I had had the privilege of being used as an instrument in God's hand to bless my friend's life!

Running total of captures: 39,283

1 comment:

BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...