Sunday, June 4, 2023

Senior Missionaries...WHAT rules?

Our supervisor came to visit from Pittsburgh last week and informed us that in a few weeks all four of us missionaries will be moving into the same room. The first 2 weeks of my mission, there were 5 work stations and 6 missionaries. Since I was the last one who arrived, I was just doing supporting work and getting good advice from the veterans. Then one of the couples went home and I have a spot now. I work in a room by myself on the third floor which I call "the cave". The other 3 missionaries are on the 5th floor.  I'm looking forward to being in a room together.

You can see my work station in "the cave" on the left.

It was 94° last Wednesday! Wow! That was a new record high for the 1st of June in Montreal. What happened to all of those cautions of "You're going to freeze" when people found out where I'd be serving?!?

This cute missionary is going home this week. So last week she wanted to go to the top of the Ferris wheel and watch the lights change on the Jacque Cartier Bridge at 10 pm. Two other sister missionaries went with us but only Sister C and I went on the Ferris wheel. It was so fun! And we had a brilliant view!

I also learned that Cirque du Soleil was started in Montreal. Gotta go catch a show one of these days! There are SO many fun things to see and do in this city!

Senior missionaries arriving home at 11:00 pm! Whatcha gonna do?

Last week the young missionaries in our mission found FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY new people to teach! Astounding! I was so inspired by them that I decided I wanted to find just one person for them to teach. I've been getting to know the security guards at the archives building where we serve every day. Last Friday I invited one of them to come to a stake activity with us on Saturday night. It gave us the chance to talk to him about his religious beliefs and show him around the chapel where the activity was held. We've been asked by those in charge at the archives to not talk about religion while we're inside the archives building. It was fun to be with this man in another setting so we could discuss religion with him. It seems that he might be open to talking with the missionaries. Stay tuned!

Running total of captures: no idea, I forgot to send in my report on Friday...Yikes! It will give you something to look forward to next week.

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BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...