Friday, April 28, 2023

Document Captures


This is the setup that greeted us the second week at the MTC. We kept wanting to say, "Lights! Camera! Action!"

Here are the four of us that were trained on document capture this week at the MTC. Trainers from Salt Lake came down from Family Search to help us learn the skills we'll need for our assignment. 

This is the most important thing that I learned at the MTC, that my first assignment as a missionary is to bring others to Christ. Oh, and by the way, I'll be capturing a few historical documents as well.

I made a harrowing 33 hour journey to the Montreal airport and straight back without any sleep. The intention was to fly there, get an important travel document, stay overnight in a hotel, and then fly back the next day. 

But because of delay, after delay, after delay due to bad weather, by the time I dropped another missionary at the curb, it was time to go back in the airport and begin my check-in process. I was haggard by the time I reached home.

I sure am going to miss this girl. 💕🐕💕

Sunday, April 16, 2023

First Week at the MTC...Check!

What a week it has been!
Here it is, the classic photo by the map pointing to my mission.
These are the Davieses. They're the ones who took my picture in the front of the map, the very first missionaries I met at the MTC. It turns out that I was with Elder Davies' cousin in the MTC 39 years ago! Uncanny? Or is it the hand of God making me feel comfortable here on my very first day?

I love these two people, Elder and Sister Larson. We spent quite a bit of time "teaching" each other this week. We are convinced that it was no mistake we were paired together, especially when we discovered that I know Sister Larson's uncle! Uncanny? Nope. God's hand at work in our lives.

These sandbags were diverting water away from my house which is 3 doors from the corner. I went home on Saturday (preparation day) to get some medication I had forgotten. I knew there had been flooding on my street last week, but it was another thing to see the aftermath. People were texting to ask if my home was OK. It was almost 24 hours before I heard that I had dodged a bullet, but I wasn't worried because before I left for my mission I received a blessing that my home and possessions would be protected. I was at peace the whole time and knew everything would be fine.

The BIGGEST blessing for me this week, however, is the new understanding of my assignment which I have received. Every single day at the Missionary Training Center, God taught me that my mission is not to capture digital copies of historical documents, my mission is to bring others to Christ. I have struggled ever since I received my mission call thinking that I would be in front of a machine for two years. It sounded monotonous. But now I understand that I need to be working with people to bring them to Christ...and by the way, I'll be copying a few historical documents as well.

BE with God

We got another referral for the young missionaries! Another sister missionary and I went out to dinner and the waitress asked about our name...